
How to Accept a Job Offer (Via Email, Phone, or In-Person)

Congratulations on getting a job offer! This signifies the result of all your hard work throughout the application and interview process. But before you make a final decision, it is important to approach this step thoughtfully. Accepting a job offer involves more than just saying yes; it’s about making sure the position aligns with your expectations and that you’re comfortable with what it entails.

From crafting a thoughtful response to addressing key details (like salary, benefits, and start date), there’s a lot to consider. Whether you’re accepting through email, phone, or in-person, follow these steps to set yourself up for success in your new position.

Key Things to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

Your job impacts many areas of your life, from your free time to how much money you earn. It is important to have an in-depth understanding of the role, location, company culture, and salary negotiation so that when you say yes, you’ll have confidence in your answer. Before accepting the offer, consider these three tips: 

1) Take Your Time Before Saying ‘Yes’

Don’t feel pressured to accept a job offer on the spot. It’s okay to politely show gratitude without committing immediately. Even when you’re feeling excited about an offer, it is wise to step back, review the offer thoroughly, think through the terms of employment and job description, and even do some research to ensure it aligns with your expectations and goals. Rushing into acceptance can lead to overlooking important details or missing out on opportunities to discuss benefits or negotiate salary.

Example Response:Thank you for extending the offer. I am excited about this opportunity!” 

2) Asking About Deadlines for Job Offer Acceptance

Ask when the company would like an answer from you. This shows you’re interested while also allowing you the necessary time to make an informed decision. 

Typically, you can anticipate receiving a few days to consider the offer after your initial discussion. Following that, an email will outline the offer details, with the official written offer coming later once you’ve agreed to the terms and everything is finalized. 

Example Response: “I’m really interested in this opportunity and would like some time to review all the details. When do you need my decision on accepting the offer?” 

man in discussion via call

3) Carefully Review The Contract Terms

Taking the time to read through the employment contract terms ensures that you fully understand the responsibilities and benefits associated with the job position. As you are reviewing the contract, questions may arise that you hadn’t considered before. 

If this happens, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the company to clarify any uncertainties. Here are some key things to make note of as you read through the employment contract: 

  • Base Pay: Confirm that the offered salary matches your expectations and any prior discussions. This will vary depending on whether it’s an entry level job or a more senior position.
  • Benefits: Understand the details of health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks offered. What insurance plans does the company offer? What are the premiums? Is dental and vision coverage included? When will you be eligible? What contributions will the company make toward your retirement pension?
  • Working Hours: Clarify expected work hours, including overtime and flexibility options.
  • Work Culture: Determine if the work environment and style align with your preferences and needs. Could you fit in seamlessly at the company, or would it be a culture shock? 
  • Job Title and Responsibilities: Ensure that the contract accurately reflects the discussed job title, duties, and reporting structure.
  • Promotion Opportunities: It is important that there is an opportunity for growth within a company. What are the promotion criteria? Does the company value ongoing education and support employees getting an MBA and other advanced degrees? 

Example Response: “I wanted to clarify a few more details about the offer. Would you prefer I send my questions via email, or would you like to schedule a quick call?”

man reviewing a contract

Accepting a Job Offer: Email vs Phone vs In-Person

There are three primary methods through which you can communicate your acceptance: via phone, email, or in-person interaction. Each method has its advantages and considerations, depending on factors such as your relationship with the employer, the urgency of the response, and the complexity of the offer details.

How to Accept a Job Offer Via Email

When accepting a job offer via email, keep your message clear and concise. You’ll want to maintain a professional and positive tone throughout the email. 

Your subject line should directly state your acceptance of the position title. In the body of the email, include a statement of acceptance and express gratitude for the opportunity. Mention any details you need clarification on, such as start date, salary, or benefits. You may also briefly restate the offer terms. Then, close by expressing your enthusiasm to begin the job and inquire about the onboarding process and next steps.

Remember to use a professional email address, preferably one that includes your full name rather than a nickname. This will convey professionalism and credibility to the employer.

Job Offer Acceptance Email Template Example


Subject: Acceptance of Job Offer – [Your Full Name].

Dear Hiring Manager, 

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for offering me the [Position Title] at [Company Name]. I accept your offer and look forward to joining the team on [Start Date]. 

I would appreciate clarification on details regarding [salary, benefits, etc]. 

I am eager to begin this new chapter and am looking forward to contributing to the success of [Company Name]. Please let me know the next steps or if there are any documents I need to complete before my start date. 

Thank you once again for this opportunity.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]


How to Accept a Job Offer Over the Phone

If you’ve received a verbal job offer over the phone, you may call the recruiter to accept your offer. Before your call, take a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare what you want to say or ask. Express gratitude for the opportunity and make sure you fully understand the terms of the offer, including salary, benefits, start date, and other relevant details. 

When you are ready, verbally state your acceptance. You can say something like, “I am excited about this opportunity and am happy to accept the job offer.” If leaving a voicemail, ensure your message is clear and includes your contact information for follow-up. 

woman accepting job offer over the phone

How to Accept a Job Offer In-Person

Accepting a job offer in person allows for a more personal and immediate connection with your new employer. Schedule a meeting and come prepared with any documents or forms you’ll need. 

Since this is face-to-face, you’ll want to maintain a professional, enthusiastic demeanor, dress appropriately, and be ready to ask any final questions or clarify details about the position. After accepting, follow up with a written job offer acceptance letter or email. 

Reading, Understanding, and Officially Accepting Your Job Offer

Navigating the process of accepting a job offer can feel confusing if you haven’t experienced it before. While each company may have its differences, here’s a general outline of what you can expect during this process: 

  • Review the Offer: Read through the job offer documents carefully to understand the terms, including salary, benefits, start date, etc.
  • Ask Questions: If anything is unclear, ask the employer for clarification. This could be gaining a clearer understanding of your career path trajectory
  • Decide: Consider whether the offer aligns with your career goals and needs.
  • Accept or Negotiate: If you’re happy with the offer, accept it formally, either by email, phone, or in-person. If you want to negotiate, do so respectfully. 
  • Consider Current Employer: Depending on your situation, you may need to inform your current employer about your decision to leave. Think about how and when you want to communicate this information.
  • Finalize: Sign any necessary documents and follow the employer’s instructions for the next steps.

Final Thoughts

Accepting a job offer is a big step in your career journey, and it’s important to approach it with thoughtfulness and consideration. Whether you choose to accept the offer via email, phone, or in-person, remember to take the time to review the offer, ask questions, and make sure that the job is what is best for you. 

If you want to accelerate your career path progression, choosing to get an MBA can be a great option to not only give you more negotiating leverage during the interview stage, but to equip you with advanced skills and frameworks to excel in more senior positions.

The Crummer Graduate School of Business offers a variety of accredited MBA programs that can help you to flourish in your chosen field and acquire an advanced business education. 


Should you accept a job offer immediately?

It’s generally wise to take some time to review and consider a job offer before accepting. This way, you can clarify any details about the role and negotiate a starting salary and benefits package that takes into account the value you bring to the company.

What is the best way to accept a job offer?

You can accept a job offer in three ways: by email, phone, or in-person. If accepting over the phone or in-person, it’s a good idea to follow up in writing with a formal acceptance letter or email. 

How do you politely accept a job offer? 

Express your gratitude for the opportunity, confirm your acceptance clearly and professionally, and ask about the next steps in the hiring process. Keep a positive and professional tone throughout the conversation. 

How long do you have to accept a job offer?

You are usually given a few days to accept a job offer. However, each employer will vary. Make sure you know their deadline and stick to it. If you need more time, communicate clearly with them regarding an extension.