
Unlock Your Expertise

Executive Doctorate
in Business Administration Program

The first AACSB-accredited degree of its kind in Florida, Crummer’s Executive Doctorate in Business Administration is designed for executives who have an MBA or equivalent degree who want to become thought leaders and contribute to organizational success at a significantly higher level than that afforded by the MBA.

Whether you aspire to a full or part-time professorship, independent consulting or a senior executive role in a public or private sector organization, the Crummer EDBA equips you with the skills to achieve maximum impact and influence no matter where you take it.

Program Overview
What is an EDBA?
Introducing the “Executive Professor” Track
EDBA vs. Ph.D.
Benefits & Career Goals

Program Overview

The Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) experience provides you with an impetus for career advancement and a springboard for personal and professional change. Taught by top professors with real-world experience, courses follow the “engaged scholarship” model that focuses on topics at the intersection of theory and contemporary business practice – class sessions are always mindful of how the learning can be immediately applied.

Each student’s experience in the program culminates with a year-long dissertation that addresses issues and challenges that apply directly to the executive’s business interest. EDBA students meet once a month on campus, in a Friday/Saturday format, allowing you to continue working full time. No GMAT is required.

What is an EDBA?

An Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) is a doctoral degree for executives who want a pragmatic and relevant program of study and may work full time while completing their degree. With an EDBA from Crummer, you can explore a variety of career paths, including:

  • Executive Leadership: Take on higher executive roles, driving strategic direction and innovation within your organization.
  • Consulting: Provide expert advice and insights to businesses, helping them navigate complex challenges and achieve their goals.
  • Academia: Transition into academic roles, sharing your knowledge and experience with the next generation of business leaders.
  • Entrepreneurship: Leverage your expertise to launch and grow successful businesses, creating lasting impact in your industry.

EDBA programs focus on research that can be applied directly to current business issues. EDBA students research problems or challenges they face in their industries and apply what they learn to resolve issues in their organizations.

EDBA students are inspired by lifelong learning, enjoy the academic experience, and wish to expand on their existing knowledge, both from a theoretical and analytical perspective. They are interested in bringing these high level thinking skills and newly acquired research skills back into the workplace.

More information about executive doctoral degrees can be found on the website of the EDBA Council – an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in executive doctorates worldwide.

Introducing the “Executive Professor” Track

The Executive Professor Track of the Crummer EDBA is a new and innovative specialization targeting senior executives at the pinnacle of their corporate careers who are considering a fulfilling transition into academic teaching or administration. Human Resources as well as learning and development department heads may also want to consider this valuable offering to senior executive staff contemplating early retirement or other type of career transition.

  • Embrace a New Chapter: Transition seamlessly from boardroom to classroom, leveraging decades of experience to shape the next generation of business leaders.
  • Lifelong Learning: Enhance your knowledge with advanced research methodologies and theoretical frameworks that underpin successful business strategies.
  • Impact and Influence: Extend your legacy beyond corporate walls by influencing and mentoring future leaders.
  • Strategic Transition: Make a thoughtful and strategic transition to academia, supported by the comprehensive EDBA curriculum and the prestigious Crummer network.
  • Interactions among the cohort group are highly stimulating and rewarding – all students come into the program with a similar high level of experience, common goals and motivation for professional and personal advancement.
  • In-class experiences are in small groups and follow a facilitated dialogue format around key areas across the business field.
  • Research projects are highly applied in nature and students are encouraged to connect them to their own firm and industry.
  • The research skills developed are greatly valued in today’s organizations and are not well-mastered by most managers that have not had the EDBA experience.
  • EDBA students bring important new perspectives, tools, and methods back to others within their firm, thus enhancing the overall firm’s success.
  • The strong bond between the student and her/his faculty advisor and collaborators can foster years of fruitful research collaboration.

EDBA vs. Ph.D.

All doctoral degrees are not the same. The EDBA differs from a Ph.D. in business in the following ways:

  • Residency: While Ph.D. students attend class full time, EDBA students attend classes one weekend per month.
  • Academic Profile: While Ph.D. students may or may not have any work experience or a master’s degree, EDBA students are typically executives with 10 or more years of experience with an MBA or other related master’s degree.
  • Goals: Ph.D. students pursue their degree to qualify for securing a position as an assistant professor. EDBA students pursue their degree to bring high-level thinking skills and applied research skills back into the workplace.
  • Research: Ph.D. research is highly specialized by micro subject area and pays much less attention to connections to business practice. EDBA research is interdisciplinary and focuses on linking theory to current business problems. EDBA students apply qualitative and quantitative methods to address contemporary business issues.

Source: EDBA Council

Benefits & Career Goals

How can earning a Rollins EDBA position you for future success?
The EDBA is well-positioned to make you a more attractive member of your organization’s leadership. The research you do in the EDBA program will be focused on what you are doing or want to be doing in business today and in the future. It will be of value to you and others in your firm and industry. Many have entered EDBA programs at other schools with a dream to move up the ladder and are finding success after they graduate. Others who have wanted to cycle into a different career track – consulting, for example – have found that they wouldn’t have been in a position to make that change if they hadn’t completed an EDBA. The research skills and experience, as well as the credentials earned, provide the capability and confidence to move into a higher level role. The key to answering this question is based largely on your own goals, passion, and the effort you put into the EDBA program.

Can you enter academia with this degree?

Individuals who have earned an EDBA are considered qualified faculty if it fits that institution’s mission. If you are motivated to go into academia, please discuss this with us during the admissions process so that we may counsel you about your specific interests and goals. We can help you determine if this program is the right fit for you and your interest in an academic position. To set up an appointment, please call us at 407-646-2405/1-800-866-2405 or e-mail edba@rollins.edu.


407-646-2405/1-800-866-2405 or e-mail edba@rollins.edu.

The Crummer Difference

Experience a Personal Approach

Dynamic Peers

Interactions among the cohort group are highly stimulating and rewarding – all students come into the program with a similar high level of experience, common goals and motivation for professional and personal advancement.

Faculty Partners

Each EDBA student will have a faculty advisor for the duration of the 3-year program. The strong bond between the student and her/his faculty advisor and collaborators can foster years of fruitful research collaboration.

Applied Practice

Research projects are highly applied in nature and students are encouraged to connect them to their own firm and industry.

Supportive Staff

From your first contact with a Crummer staff member to your interactions far beyond graduation, you will experience what makes Crummer so unique. Our staff and faculty are dedicated to providing you with the personalized attention Crummer is known for.

Meet Our Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Alums
From Defense to Professor to Consultant - Lane Cohee '17EDBA
Helping Others Through Leadership, Pedagogy, and Volunteerism - Sean Newman '17EDBA
Leading In the Navy, Business, Education, & Beyond - Dr. Robert Roncska '22EDBA

Meet our Alums

Want to learn what is possible with an Executive Doctorate in Business Administration degree?

Take a look at the stories of a few of our EDBA alums and where they are now.

Ready to learn more? Book an appointment with our Admission team and they can answer your questions and connect you with an alum in your industry so that you can hear first-hand about their experience.

Lane Cohee '17EDBA

After spending seven years as a commissioned officer in the US Air Force and another ten years in the Colorado Springs defense community, Lane Cohee joined Harris Corporation and moved to Indialantic Florida in 2004. Over the subsequent ten years, as he assumed larger program management and business executive positions, Lane realized that he had a particular passion for helping develop the next generation of business leaders. To do so, he knew a doctorate would be valuable, and he researched several options in Central Florida. Lane selected Rollins due to its proximity and the fact that Crummer’s EDBA was the first AACSB-accredited program in the state. He enrolled in Crummer in the Fall of 2014.

Lane’s dissertation, “Corporate Asset Development Strategies During Market Contractions: A Defense Sector Analysis, investigated the relationship between firm’s asset deployment strategies and their performance in the presence of contracting markets, assessing those strategies having the greatest performance impact. “I was interested in learning the optimal strategies corporate leaders were using to deal with market downturns, and the defense recession of 2011-2016 gave me a great test window to do that.”

After completing his EDBA in 2017 and publishing several articles originating with his doctoral studies, Lane moved to Palm Beach Atlantic University to teach. “If you are going to move into full-time academia, it’s important to get a solid publication record quickly. Crummer was very helpful in helping me do that.” During his time at PBA, its Rinker School of Business was pursuing initial AACSB accreditation, a rigorous five-year process that is achieved by only 6% of business schools internationally. In 2019, Lane took over as Associate Dean and project manager for the accreditation initiative, which was successfully completed in 2023.

In addition to serving as Associate Dean and management professor, Lane led Rinker’s MBA program for 2 years, overseeing a curriculum overhaul and addition of fully online modality. Despite his various leadership roles, Lane’s heart remained with developing the next generation of business leaders, and he led Rinker’s Mentor-Protégé program for five years. “There are always some special students out there who are passionate about learning, interested in the environment, and trying to meet as many people as they possibly can to mentor them. Those are the ones you get really excited about.” Although he left full-time academia this spring, he will serve as an adjunct instructor at Crummer this fall and is looking forward to working with some of the same professors he studied under.

Now Lane has a consulting business in Ormond Beach and provides business and project management training to government and private sector organizations. He enjoys the diversity of training and consulting, while keeping a presence in the classroom. When Lane isn’t working, you may find him spending time with his five grandchildren or getting back into sand volleyball and tennis.

Sean Newman '17EDBA

After Sean Newman, senior vice president of operations and client engagement for Aon, earned his master’s degree and had experience working, he had the desire to go even deeper into his business knowledge, wanting to understand data and organizational behavior topics in leadership. He decided to go after his EDBA and was looking for something oriented toward small classes with more discussion. He observed Crummer’s first cohort of EDBA students, then joined with the second group.

Sean’s dissertation, “Virtual Teams and Leader Communication: How Communication Tools, Techniques, and Trust Impact Team Performance,” was developed when he was a leader at Aon and had people virtually around the country as well as in India as part of his team. He wanted to learn how to lead and how to communicate more effectively with a virtual team. After he published his paper, he brought what he learned back to Aon, and they still use it today.

When asked how getting an EDBA has helped his career, Sean responded, “It helped me understand broader thinking, to be more strategic, and provided more leverage in business leadership.” It also allowed Sean to pursue his academic goals. Both of his parents are teachers, and he also wanted that option.

When it comes to business, Sean is passionate about growing people. “I enjoy taking people who are in my group and helping them seize their potential and learn how to reflect. What excites me is the ability to help others.” Sean also helps others in his role as a faculty member at UCF and Rollins. “I love getting in the classroom. I get to talk to students about what I’ve done that very day in the business world. I learn a lot teaching at the master’s level and hearing different perspectives from professionals in a variety of industries.” This has allowed him to be more reflective and a more effective leader.

Sean also holds several volunteer positions for an array of different causes. He played a very active role in developing the new strategic plan for Hope Helps, a group focused on poverty alleviation, where he was previously Chairman of the Board. He is also involved with the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida. “I am a firm believer in trying to give back because I am fortunate in what I have.”

Dr. Robert Roncska '22EDBA

Dr. Robert “Navy Bob” Roncska has a diverse and decorated background, serving in significant leadership roles across military and civilian sectors, including a 28-year tenure in the U.S. Navy where he commanded nuclear submarines and served as Naval Aide to President George W. Bush. After retiring as a Navy Captain, he transitioned to the healthcare industry, applying his nuclear Navy experiences to enhance patient safety and reliability at AdventHealth, & now runs his own LLC, Navy Bob, focusing on improving mental well-being in the workplace by teaching how to lead with love. Bob also contributes to academic fields as an adjunct professor at UCF, teaching graduate courses in global health management and informatics.

Bob has always been passionate about higher education and was attracted to the Crummer Executive DBA program: “The EDBA program exposed me to the world of research, which was previously unfamiliar to me. This experience steered me toward embracing practical applications supported by statistically validated findings, significantly enhancing outcomes across various industries.” His dissertation, “Utilizing Workplace Social Media: A Silver Bullet for Reducing Burnout and Turnover?” and his research on how burnout affects safety helped improve the healthcare industry. Bob was influenced by Dr. Greg Marshall, the Charles Harwood Professor of Marketing and Strategy, when he suggested Bob study leader member exchange. “I was astonished. It’s exactly what I used to improve outcomes and create a culture of love when I was in the Navy. Crummer has given me the world of scholarly research to measure what love is, so I am not just preaching methods.”

For the past 5 years, Bob has been working on his book “Beyond the Sea: Leading with Love, From the Nuclear Navy to the White House and Healthcare” releasing June 11. In it he explores the transformative power of positive leadership, detailing how he turned the struggling USS Texas from the lowest-ranked to the top-performing submarine in the Pacific Fleet, offering a universally applicable leadership roadmap for fostering trust and excellence in any organization. “Going to Crummer made the book so much better. It gave me real data, a full world of what’s proven and what’s not about leadership. I wrote this to help others, to help the world be a better place.”

Bob is also an avid runner. He completed 2 Ironmans, giving this advice: “To excel in an Ironman or leadership, you must follow a structured training regimen and maintain discipline. Achieving greatness as a leader, establishing trust, nurturing high standards, and fostering purpose, all rooted in care and love, isn’t accidental or immediate. It requires ongoing, intentional dedication.” To learn more about Bob and his book, visit www.navybob.com.



Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible to ensure space in the program is still available. If you have any questions about the deadlines or the admissions process in general, please contact our office at 407-646-2405/1-800-866-2405 or graduate-business@rollins.edu.


Fall 2024
(August Start)

Now accepting applications for Fall 2024

Round 1: March 15
Round 2: May 1
Round 3 – NEW Final Consideration Deadline: July 15

Application questions? Email or call us: graduate-business@rollins.edu or 407.646.2405.

Financial Aid
Executive DBA Council Member
International Students
Frequently Asked Questions
Application Checklist

Welcome to Crummer Admission!

The Crummer Enrollment Management team takes a holistic approach to admissions for the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Program. A bachelor’s degree is required, and at least 10 years of executive experience is strongly preferred. We also consider other factors, including the nature of work experience and educational background and performance.

We are excited to help you through your admission process and are here to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact us and we look forward to you becoming part of the Crummer Family!




Tuition for the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) program beginning in August 2024 will be $112,112 and is guaranteed not to increase for students who remain in their entrance class. Books and supplies are not included.

Non-refundable deposit: $2,000 – If you accept our offer and enroll in the program, your non-refundable deposit will be credited to your first term tuition.

Total tuition: $112,112*(per credit hour cost is $1,809/hour)


  • Parking: $210 (a one-time, nonrefundable fee)
  • EDBA Association: $300
  • Dissertation review and filing fees

*Tuition for this program is based on students completing all degree requirements within 3 years. Students requiring more than 3 years will be charged a continuous matriculation fee until all degree requirements are met. For more information, please contact EDBA Admissions at 407-646-2405.

**If you are an international student, health insurance is required and the estimated cost is $2120-2620 for the 2024-25 academic year.

Financial Aid

A variety of financial aid options are available to Crummer students, including loans, scholarships and special funding programs for veterans. The Rollins Financial Aid office can be reached at 407-646-2395 or via this page. Our staff will help you find the best option to fund your education. You may also visit the Rollins Financial Aid web page for a list of funding options and scholarship information.

Executive DBA Council

Crummer is a member of the Executive DBA council. More information here.

International Students

International student services information page.


Click the link below for a list of frequently asked questions and responses. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us at 407-646-2405/1-800-866-2405 or edba@rollins.edu.

Application Checklist

We’ve created a convenient list of required items you’ll need to complete your application. If you don’t have everything on the list, you can still get started.

Executive Doctorate Application Checklist

Frequently Asked Questions

An Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) is a doctoral degree unlike any other. Click on the link below to see some common questions and answers about the program.

What is the Program Structure?

What is the Research & Dissertation Requirement?

What are the admissions requirements?


Crummer faculty members are distinguished thought leaders, influential researchers, and consultants representing a wide range of business disciplines. They publish extensively in top scholarly and practitioner journals, author books and textbooks, present nationally, and consult for some of the world’s largest companies. But above all, they are accessible, excellent teachers, dedicated to helping you reach your potential.

Your Network

Experience Connections

From your first day of class, you immediately become a member of the Crummer Alumni Association, a global network that extends to over 7,000 alumni living and working in all 50 states and in 53 countries around the world.

A Lifetime of Benefits

As alumni, you have access to many benefits and points of connection, including access to the Alumni Business Directory, the Alumni Course Audit Program, Career Services, Crummer Connect, a wide range of alumni events, and much more.

Courses for Life

Alumni Career Services

The Network at Your Fingertips