

Kristy Kennedy ’15 MBA Provides Data-driven Marketing Solutions While Supporting MS Research

Kristy Kennedy didn’t have the usual journey when pursuing her MBA. Everything started out typical… 

Kristy enjoyed getting to know her classmates while learning about fundamentals of business through core course and the dynamics of working on a team. She looked forward to her internships and was excited about her global learning experience abroad. But one thing really caught her attention, the dynamic industry speakers from different backgrounds that would come into the classroom and share their real-world experiences.  

She completed her first internship with an ad agency, appreciating how data and numbers mixed with creativity. She did another internship with a different ad agency, and that cemented her love of marketing. “I like to put myself in challenging positions, and there is always challenge in this field.”  

But during her final semester at Crummer, Kristy was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Despite facing significant adversity, she completed her education with the help of her family and medical treatments. The impact of her experience would influence her decisions later in her career, as well as the success of her grandfather who owns Kennedy Homes.  

After spending ten years working in marketing for large firms such as Pearson and Ford and inspired by her grandfather, Kristy decided it was time to open her own digital marketing business, Kennedy Marketing LLC. She felt there weren’t enough women business owners, particularly in the marketing sector. Her focus is on quality: “Our agency approaches each customer with a commitment to achieving tangible results. I fight for my clients. As a team, we focus on practical outcomes and meaningful metrics, such as improved conversion rates and genuine revenue growth.” 

When it comes to her work, Kristy is intently focused on providing high-caliber services. Her approach is straightforward and focused, designed to eliminate industry jargon and deliver effective marketing strategies. This method resonates with clients seeking honest and impactful marketing solutions. She is selective about who she takes on as a client because having a good working relationship is immensely important to her.  

She also gives a Google Ads guarantee. If an account doesn’t improve in this area, the client won’t have to pay. “I’ve been doing this for ten years, and I’ve never had an account not improve.” Kristy is known for being the person who turns accounts around and won’t stop until an account is doing significantly better. “That’s what’s fun for me.” 

There are a variety of skills Kristy uses in her work that she gained during her time at Crummer. Two stand out: First, she learned how to analyze situations wholistically, adjusting her thought process to focus on the root of the problem and developing a system to work toward a solution. Second, Kristy also acquired presentation skills. “I had a lot of experience presenting projects through Crummer, and now I always have to be ‘on stage’ when I work with clients.”  

One thing she particularly enjoys is the learning aspect of marketing. “It is always new and evolving. I also love mentoring anyone who wants to be in this field. And I think the way for me to do well is to make sure everyone around me is successful as well.”  

One aspect of Kennedy Marketing that makes it different from other firms: Kristy’s commitment to giving ten percent of the company’s proceeds to MS research. “I am passionate about it. It’s been an important part of my journey, and it makes me feel good to work toward something. It makes me work even harder.”  

Kristy also faces challenges with owning her business, specifically related to her condition. “With MS, it’s not all good days. I have to prepare for the ‘not good’ days and have a system in place and a team I can trust.” She is also working hard to not scale up too fast so that she can maintain the quality of her services while she grows.  

Kristy Kennedy’s journey from Crummer to founding Kennedy Marketing LLC is a testament to her resilience, passion, and dedication. Overcoming the personal challenge of an MS diagnosis, she has built a business rooted in data-driven marketing solutions and a commitment to excellence. Moreover, Kristy’s dedication extends beyond her professional endeavors, as she commits ten percent of her company’s proceeds to MS research, reflecting her personal connection and desire to make a positive impact. Her journey demonstrates that with determination and support, significant obstacles can be transformed into opportunities for growth and contribution. 

If you’d like to get started on your MBA journey, start by coming to one of our in-person or online events. You can see them all here.