Students who withdraw from the EAMBA Cohort 45 program after 8 am on September 3 will be responsible for paying the MBA 500 course fee of $2,442.89 plus the non-refundable fees mentioned above. Forfeiture of the initial deposit will be applied to the balance due.

After MBA 500 (percentage indicates remaining tuition balance minus $2,442.89 for MBA 500)

Withdrawal Date for EAMBA Cohort 45Refund Percentage
Withdrawal before 8 am on September 9100%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on September 1375%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on September 2050%
Withdrawal after 5 pm on September 200%

Refund Policy for Continuing EAMBA Cohorts   –  Tuition and fees must be paid by 5:00 PM on the published due date.

Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Monday of the term100%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on the first Friday of the term75%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on the second Friday of the term50%
Withdrawal after 5 pm on the third Friday of the term0%

Flex MBA (FLEX) – Tuition is charged on a per-credit-hour basis.  The tuition deposit, parking decal & Association Fee are non-refundable.

Refund Policy for New Flex MBA 04 ONLY 

Withdrawal Date – Tuition deposit is non-refundableRefund Percentage
Withdrawal before 8 am on August 21100%

Students that withdraw from the Flex MBA Cohort 04 program after 8 am on August 21 will be responsible for paying the MBA 500 course fee of $2,310 plus the non-refundable fees mentioned above. Forfeiture of the initial deposit will be applied to the balance due.

After MBA 500 (percentage indicates remaining tuition balance minus $2,310 for MBA 500)

Withdrawal Date for Flex Cohort 04Refund Percentage
Withdrawal before 8 am on September 9100%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on September 1375%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on September 2050%
Withdrawal after 5 pm on September 200%

Refund Policy for All Continuing FLEX Cohorts   –  Tuition and fees must be paid by 5:00 PM on the published due date.

Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Monday of the term100%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on the first Friday of the term75%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on the second Friday of the term50%
Withdrawal after 5 pm on the third Friday of the term0%

Executive MBA (EMBA) – The tuition deposit, parking decal & Association Fee are non-refundable.

Refund Policy for New EMBA 44 ONLY 

Withdrawal Date – Tuition deposit is non-refundableRefund Percentage
Withdrawal before 8 am on August 15100%

Students that withdraw from the EMBA Cohort 44 program after 8 am on August 15 will be responsible for paying the MBA 550 course fee of $3,750 plus the non-refundable fees mentioned above. Forfeiture of the initial deposit will be applied to the balance due.

After MBA 550 (percentage indicates remaining tuition balance minus $3,750 for MBA 550)

Withdrawal Date for EMBA 44Refund Percentage
Withdrawal before 8 am on September 1100%
Withdrawal before 8 am on September 2050%
Withdrawal after 8 am on September 200%

Refund Policy for All Continuing EMBA Cohorts   –  Tuition and fees must be paid by 5:00 PM on the published due date.

Full Term Courses 
Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Monday of the term100%
Withdrawal before 5 pm on the first Friday of the term75%
Withdrawal after 5 pm on on the first Friday of the term0%

Executive Doctorate (EDBA) – Tuition is charged on a per-credit-hour basis. The tuition deposit, parking decal & Association Fee are non-refundable.

Refund Policy for New EDBA Cohort 12 ONLY 
Fall A term Courses
Withdrawal before 8 am on August 15100%
Withdrawal after 8 am on August 1575%
Withdrawal before 8 am on September 2050%
Withdrawal after 8 am on September 200%
Fall B Term Courses 
Withdrawal before 8 am on November 1100%
Withdrawal before 8 am on November 1550%
Withdrawal after 8 am on November 150%

Refund Policy for All Continuing EDBA Cohorts   –  Tuition and fees must be paid by 5:00 PM on the published due date.

Full Term Courses 
Withdrawal before 8 am on term start date100%
Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session50%
Withdrawal after 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session0%
Fall A Term Courses 
Withdrawal before 8 am on term start date100%
Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session50%
Withdrawal after 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session0%
Fall B Term Courses 
Withdrawal before 8 am on term start date100%
Withdrawal before 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session50%
Withdrawal after 8 am on the first Friday on the weekend session0%

For more information on tuition and financial matters, please visit Rollins Student Account Services.